Title: Work.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/work2.zip
Size: 185.52 KB
Date: 05/07/14
Author: Jerry Truchan
Description: This is a Doom ][ wad of my work office. We thought it might be fun to have a death match in our own office. t. This is my first attempt at creating a WAD so please be kind. Enjoy!!! (please tell my what you think!!!) Comuserve 102105, 3110
Credits: My co-workers for play testing and their suggestions.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: At least 230 hours, (plus unmeasurable testing time!)
Editor(s) used: Dck
Bugs: NO known bugs.
Rating: (8 votes)
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FOA: I have the very strong impression that this is a revised (more polished) version of a wad I've played ages ago. Having said that, it looks like a very typical 1995 wad with all its flaws. Rated from then: slightly below average, so 3/5, but it's now 2014, and we'se seen stuff like this too much over the last two decades, so it does not have much additional value. As such: 1/5 + 1 for the efford.x
wasnt awfulx
Pretty impresive considering the date, only thing that threw me off is how keyed doors aren't marked by color. Also not sure what the deal is with the second red key behind red door? Oh well, still had fun.x
Not overly awe-inspiring, but it's clear a decent bit of work went into it. 2 stars. - Obsidianx
At first I thought the description seemed very retro for a 2014 release. Sure enough, this is actually from 1995 - It'd be cool if random office workers still made Doom maps these days. This is pretty bland, but it was the authors first (and maybe only) map, so whatever.x

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