Title: Western Wyoming College
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/wwcc.zip
Size: 1.5 MB
Date: 03/06/95
Author: Brent Hedden
Description: I have attempted to create a level that looks simular to Western Wyoming College in Southwest, WY. I could not add *ALL* of the rooms (that would be ludicrous), but it does (somewhat) look like the overall map of the college. There are plenty of big, open rooms to explore and MANY monsters to kill.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.4 and 1.8b Deutex 1.31 (for sounds and music)
Bugs: A couple of fucked-up looking walls (no REALLY big deal), and the percussion for the music doesn't sound right on a soundblaster card (anyone know why?)
Rating: (8 votes)
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This map is beatable actually, one of the rooms has a teleporter to the room with the red key. I think doomguy has plowed through every single school in the U.S. -lupinx-Kassman x
A shitwad with no redeeming features. -N_Ax
1994 map. Author got building plan and made a map from it by just randomly texturing and randomly placing things. 1/5 P.S. Red key is in room you just cannot get to but it has teleporter back to main map. Use IDCLIP or (better) don't play this wad.x
Ahhh, This crappy old sack of s*$t brings back memories, those old memories when i first got into Doom and it's sequel Doom 2. This one has some nostalgic for me but obliviously this WAD sucks; Bad texturing, filled with errors and just where the hell is the red key which is needed to finish the level, i can't find it anywhere. Even with the help of map cheat and no-clipping could i find it. This is bad even for '95.x
What the #@%&! is this !?!?!?!?!? 1.3/10 VOMITx
Vomit sums this one up perfectly. Even without the annoying sounds, it's incredibly ugly, badly designed, and full of errors.x

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