Title: Yngve series level 2 v2.0
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/yngve2_2.zip
Size: 9.13 KB
Date: 01/30/96
Author: Jesper Andersson
Description: Not big, but you'll get your share of the killing... Marble textures...
Credits: The creators of DEU and Dmapedit All the usual folks
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU for editing, and Dmapedit for the RMB
Bugs: None whatsoever!
Rating: (7 votes)
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short and basic...lighting variations made novice design a little polished touch...and fast paced action made this a good 2 min spending map...x
Short absolute beginners map. Try it if you like very simple architecture, an overwhelming amount of monsters and darkness, else skip it.x
Getsu Fune
nice action, too bad design and thing placement are suffering a bit (the trees in that one room).x
Quite basic design but good lighting makes it look nice. Lots of monsters, some barrels and all that good stuff. It's fun but I didn't kill the barons at the end because I could't find plasmagun.x
Not bad. Short and entertaining.x
This is dated October 1995. A shufty on Google reveals that Yngve is a surprisingly common name. The level is short and simple, and doesn't amount to much - it's basically a long corridor with three or four rooms off to the side - but it's fun for a short while. There are lots of monsters and ammo, and lots of infighting. It's entertaining if you get stuck in, for about two minutes.x
short but acshin packet just how i like it....x

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