Title: The Zoo
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/zoo2.zip
Size: 105.72 KB
Date: 12/18/03
Author: r.brasseaux
Description: Intense zoo full of doom entities with enough stuff to keep you alive all the way through.
Credits: Id Software , d.rhodd, d.erickson, j.slivinski
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK
Rating: (7 votes)
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Its a fun arena style map with run n gun action...ammo and health is generously placed...although collection of guns isn't easy but overall bit easy..lots of killing pleasure...final room was a funny surprise...x
This is actually from July 1998 rather than 2003, which is why it seems spartan and old-fashioned. It's a big zoo with lots of monsters in cages; it's fun to stir them up and run about. The imps are in a monkeyworld enclosure with a little mountain and some trees, although the other monsters are in fairly dull enclosures. Treads a fine line between being a zoo and being just a lot of open-air cages, but it's fun.x
Although not very detailed and elaborate, this level was fun to play. PS - The imp cage made me laugh ;)x

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