Title: The Seventh Sign 2 (Maintenance release intended to 1) Improve ability to save game with less than 1
Filename: levels/heretic/0-9/7thsign2.zip
Size: 608.88 KB
Date: 09/18/95
Author: Rob Jones (M.D., CAPT, MC, USAF; Harvard '85)
Description: (Insert long, elaborate story line here)
Base: Original; thanks to the creator of the (excellent) Doom I UAC_DEAD.WAD (Leo Martin Lim) for the way to make the special bridges.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: 1) DETH 2.5 by Antony Burden and Simon Oke; I must say, the GO32 environment of Deth 2.5 improved stability 1000%--> it never once crashed on me (unlike Deth 2.0). Thx 10e6, Antony and Simon, for the best Doom/Doom2/Heretic editor! 2) Wintex 3.4-- outstanding Deutex shell by the author of Deutex/DeuSF (Olivier Montanuy). Music bug now fixed.

My humble thanks to the authors of the above, without whom the Doom/Heretic universe would be drab indeed.
Bugs: <> Also, you may wish to turn up the volume on the music and turn down (slightly) the sound effects for best results.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Very bizarre all around: the map design, sprites, sounds, textures and music choice. The gargoyle is reskinned as a Doom revenant and the weredragon as an Arch-Vile (with a weird death animation). You have to pass through lots of fake walls, some areas are hidden on the automap, and there's a ton of D'Sparil clones at the end, though you don't have to kill them to get out. 1/5.x
This was pretty f___ badx
improvements please? it's ALL round... SHIT!x
a Bad level. Too hard. 0/5x
A gargoyle in a Doom revenant shape. Walls with text like "This way ->". Odd wind effects here and there. Up to 5 (five) D'Sparils in the end (?!?). Aww. Hopefully there's some gameplay ideas to be exploited. 1/5. ~Naanx
Kooky. Not in a good way. --TDotWx

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