Title: Clucking Dubbed to Feath(ers)
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/clucked.zip
Size: 31.1 KB
Date: 08/29/20
Author: Fonze
Description: Clucking Dubbed to Feath(ers) is a tiny Heretic speedmap I made after realizing that when a player gets shot by a morph ovum (egg) while already a chicken, they will become a super chicken, circumventing the need to kill a player as a chicken to do so. Also the player can use wings as a chicken, which means it's totally possible to be a flying super chicken doing dogfights in the air and raining furious death upon foes. This all amused me greatly so I made a silly little gimmick map to have fun with the concept. It was a lot of fun to work with so I may make another one of these.

A silly, gimmick map like this necessitates a custom midi, so I commissioned Jimmy for a speedmidi and once again he has come through with a great track to jam to while pecking at your enemies. Hugest of thanks for making this happen so quickly <3 Jimmy!

Difficulties: HNTR-equivalent is the same as UV so ITYTD can be used if you want to play the """full""" experience with less pressure from taking half damage. HMP-equivalent is the "easy" difficulty setting. You're really not missing much by choosing this setting. BPPT is doable but mostly not recommended.
Credits: Jimmy for "Plucked to Death," an amazing midi remix of Rob Dougan's "Clubbed to Death" mixed with Heretic stuffs by Kevin Schilder.

Kb1 for helping to make the idea of doing these types of maps a possibility (maybe one day this will work as intended without decorate ;D ).

I'd also like to give a big thanks to Id, the Doom community, Bloodshedder and The Green Herring for maintaining the archives, Ling and co. for keeping DW alive after AG shut down, and lessthanpropane for not being flamable.
Base: Biscuits made from scratch the way Momma used to.
Build time: Few hours, maybe 3-5?
Editor(s) used: GZDB, Slade3
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