Title: Heart of Fire
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/hof.zip
Size: 194.81 KB
Date: 05/25/01
Author: Pablo Dictter
Description: This is the sequel of The River of Fire. This wad is detailed and you will need Wheretic to play. On this wad, you start where you left on The River of Fire.
Credits: The music of the level is from a web-page, I don't really remember wich one, but you can find it at www.doomworld.com, on the music section.
Base: From scrath
Build time: 2 days.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)
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A gem.x
The most detailed Heretic level I've ever played, heh. Hopefully it is not as cramped as the detailed stamp may suggest. The level is kinda short and I can't describe how I can dislike the ending... Despite of that I'll put a 4/5 on it. ~Naanx
great level, some areas are tricky to get into, but its a good onex

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