Title: Wrath of the Titans
Filename: levels/heretic/Ports/titans.zip
Size: 1.94 MB
Date: 05/07/23
Description: A complete 9-level episode featuring some new textures and classic Heretic style with attention to Raven's mapping conventions. The set plays on the episode 2 slot. (Autopicked in some ports)

Aside from E2M2, these maps have been released before in various forms; some made it to idgames and some were never released beyond my web site. These versions have been variously tweaked, fixed, and re-balanced, and can be considered the "Director's Cut" editions superceding older releases.

Some of the maps no longer fit within vanilla limits, but Heretic-Plus works. Some metadata lumps for ZDoom, Doomsday and Eternity are also included, for map/episode/finale texts.

Classic Heretic mechanics are intended (NO jump, NO crouch.) There are no enemy/weapon alterations (this time) so any gameplay mod you want to stack on top should work, but the maps are designed for standard Heretic enemies and weapons.

See bottom for map notes & DOS installation.
Credits: Music - Jimmy, Viscra Maeltrom, Darman Macray, mrgrimsdale, pcorf Textures - Cage, Rottking, Esselfortium, Fuzzball, Not Jabba, NiGHTMARE, InsanityBringer, Raymoohawk, Gez Dedicated to the memory of my Player 2. You will be missed always.
Base: Revamped releases / New from scratch
Build time: About a decade off and on
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Eureka, SLADE, MIDI2MUS
Bugs: Wings of Wrath carryover can happen if using Heretic-Plus. Consider it a valid exploit; nothing should break TOO badly.
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