Title: Castle of Combat for HERETIC, REG ONLY
Filename: levels/heretic/a-c/amazing.zip
Size: 118.14 KB
Date: 01/09/11
Author: Martin E. Ferris
Description: This is level 6 of a ? level adventure originally designed as an AD&D game. This level is a composition of 3 mazes with lots of action facing you at every wrong, (or right), turn. :-) Look for the other levels coming soon.
Credits: My wife and kids for leaving me alone long enough to create these things.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK2.2
Bugs: None (I Hope)
Rating: (2 votes)
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In 1996, it would be not bad but in now, it's just boring and sucks. 2/5 -playerlinx
Quoth the textfile, "This level is a composition of 3 mazes". If you dare try after that, you'll find a map full of orthogonal, 64-grid, sparsely populated labyrinthine corridors. The rooms that aren't part of the mazes don't seem half bad, but they're few and far between, and while Ferris, to his credit, doesn't use the standard asshole trick of erasing the whole maze from the automap, he does mess with a few of the lines to confuse you. This map is boring, annoying, sluggish, and it sucks.x

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