Title: HOUSE.WAD (Actually a small village)
Filename: levels/heretic/deathmatch/g-i/house.zip
Size: 44.88 KB
Date: 01/07/18
Author: Ben Morrelli
Description: Cool Deathmatch PWAD for Registered Heretic This PWAD has an open area with several houses and other buildings, complete with furniture (even toilets - nothing's better than having a friend's guts explode all over the toilet!). There are all kinds of windows that make it easy to snipe your friends and hide before they see you. The exit is hidden out of the way so nobody accidentally leaves before the other players are ready. There are a few monsters that tend to sneak up on you while you're shooting at your friends (just to make it interesting). If you don't like them, turn them off.
Credits: Fred for deathmatching and being turned into KFC
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 10 days, maybe. I just kept adding.
Editor(s) used: WADED v1.81
Bugs: None, as long as you're playing deathmatch. You could get stuck in single player if you fly to an area and don't get out before your wings run out (in deathmatch you're not really stuck - whoever sees you there will make sure that's the end of you.)
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