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Jason's Death
This is a deathmatch! The mood should be KILL!...Date:11/30/96
Size:26.08 KB
Author:Andrew Moore & Jason Richter

Kalrac's First Heretic DM Level
It's a DeathMatch Level. You go in, blow people up, and that's what it is like. I was going to add this in to a Hexen level I'm making, but decided to make it separate. My Hexen level will have a Heretic level in it, though, just a different one....Date:04/19/96
Size:23.05 KB
Author:Thomas Schrantz

My first Heretic WAD I made ya moron! This level have an interesting (or for me is interesting) were all floor is ice and have friction... so feel like you be ice skating! :b...Date:07/04/21
Size:15.74 KB

Kick Yo Ass!
Kick Yo Ass! is a HERETIC deathmatch only level without any monsters except your friend-become-prey. It's stricktly move fast and kick ass from begining to end. The level consists of another arena (12 sided) surrounded by a deep moat (below) & hallwa...Date:06/15/95
Size:28.94 KB
Author:Lou Garcia

Deathmatch level ONLY! I tried to keep the same Doom ambience! (Little level for VERY FAST action!) There is an EXIT....Date:01/02/96
Size:20.04 KB
Author:Michel PERIE a.k.a NEMESIS.

Castle KingFish
FOR REGISTERED VERSION OF HERETIC ONLY!! Medium size level designed specifically for 2 player DeathMatch. Not to BIG, Not to small, No Exit, No Monsters, just you and some other poor sod who is looking at you the wrong way! (Sod not included)...Date:08/09/95
Size:26.85 KB
Author:Joe King 75322.2466@COMPUSERVE.COM

This is my first heretic deathmatch. I have designed it specifically to take advantage of the features in heretic, rather than convert one of my doom deathmatches....Date:05/11/95
Size:10.77 KB
Author:Andrew J. Hulme

Designed for DeathMatch. Layout inspired by Dead Simple Level #7 of Doom][. Best if used with DM2.0 option All weapons present except the Pheonix Rod. Center room has a high ceiling with 4 pillars for flying space. Hint: Put those GasBags to Good use...Date:02/01/95
Size:7.26 KB
Author:William Bingham (Lazarus)

This wad is designed for use with the DEATHMATCH 2.0 rules. This patch file is for E1M1-M4. This is the famous LEDGES series converted for HERETIC !!!...Date:05/09/95
Size:52.48 KB
Author:Jussi Karjalainen

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