Title: HomeLand
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/homeland.zip
Size: 123.57 KB
Date: 11/23/95
Author: Wayne Leutwyler
Description: Heretic Level. Very Large. You are a young Mage who has returned to your village only to find all the people you ever knew or loved dead. Its up to YOU to find out what happened.
Base: New Level from Scratch Build Time 4 weeks give or take. Editor(s) used DCK 2.2 Known Bugs No known bugs
Build time: 4 weeks give or take. Editor(s) used DCK 2.2 Known Bugs No known bugs
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2 Known Bugs No known bugs
Bugs: No known bugs
Rating: (4 votes)
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The author clearly understood the technical side of making a level decently enough, but the gameplay gets quite cryptic and you will have to find a lot of hidden things and not waste your wings if you want to win.x
Fairly large, not too bad, especially for 1995. A little lackluster like Naan said, but I think it's worth checking out. 3/5.x
sorry but sucks. 1/5x
Pretty good large level, plays very well, but some I-don't-know-what is missing to make it a memorable level. It remained quite easy too. 3/5. ~Naanx

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