Title: The Tomb of Quarix for Heretic
Filename: levels/heretic/p-r/quarix2.zip
Size: 116.39 KB
Date: 10/31/96
Author: Scott McNutt
Description: The Tomb of Quarix. The discovery of the resting place of this ancient, one-armed explorer of some of the lesser worlds in the Dark Zone of the galaxy. The Federation Health Agency sent several expeditions in search of the enigmatic and crippled necromancer who had boozed his way through a thousand worlds after discovering the secret to eternal life. They came too late. The secret potion had run out and Quarix had died. Do you have the courage and wit to survive the Tomb of Quarix? One note of intrest, Quarix was an avid Doomer.

QUARIX2.WAD is solo and coop version QUARIXD2.WAD is the DeathMatch version
Credits: Oh Great Master Lawrence, Slacker 415 and Darrellman - for more cool Doom, Doom2, Quake, Heretic and Hexen stuff, check out his cool WWW page.........

Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, Waded, Edmap Ted12, New Wad Tool
Rating: (3 votes)
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Clearly this guy's first ever map. A lot of mapping no-no's in here, such as unobvious doors to progress, and a wall you can simply activate early on to exit. Too much symmetrical rooms, and a complete misunderstanding of secret areas.x
Cool level, and plenty of monsters (200+). Tough at the start but do ablex
This level contains lots of ennemies, but it still remained easy due to the ammo flood. Level design is ok but improvable, especially on details and lack of variety due to the level's symmetry. Overall quite an average level. 3/5. ~Naanx

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