Title: City of Tanash
Filename: levels/heretic/s-u/tanash2.zip
Size: 56.38 KB
Date: 10/31/96
Author: Scott McNutt
Description: City of Tanash is the necromantic hub of the so-called Sorceror's World, where many scientific principles do not apply. Can you survive the wizards and warriors?
Credits: Oh Great Master Lawrence, Slacker 415 and Darrellman - for more cool Doom, Doom2, Quake, Heretic and Hexen stuff, check out his cool WWW page.........

Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1, Ed Map, DMapEdit 4.0.8, Waded Ted12, New Wad Tool
Rating: (3 votes)
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No detail at all. The map is so atrocious looking that I exited from the game in less than 2 minutes. Barf.x
Detail level is zero, but challenge level is high, sometimes grinding, but layout works. The fire imps are surprinsingly hard to kill and overwhelming. Average, not pretty damn good, because there's a harmless pit you can get stuck in. And I had to check the editor at one point. 3/5. printzx

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