Title: Unholy Cathedral
Filename: levels/heretic/s-u/uncath2.zip
Size: 58.94 KB
Date: 01/26/96
Author: Carl Boothroyd
Description: This is a level for Heretic. A group of Disciples of D'sparil are holding a ceremony to resurrect their fallen leader. In order to perform this ceremony they have taken control of a sacred elven church and killed its inhabitants. You must find the key, unlock its doors and put an end to their foul ceremonies. Of course, their monstrous minions are not going to let you just walk up and take the key, so you will have to deal with them first.
Base: new level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded
Bugs: none that I know of
Rating: (4 votes)
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Very good user-created wad, especially for its time. Works perfectly in ZDoom. Some rooms are just a bit too squarish and under-detailed, but no less detailed than the original Heretic was. Perfect amount of ammo and items to monster ratio. The exit and level progression isn't obvious, which is a plus. One problem is unmarked doors.x
Extremely bugged. Kept crashing DOS heretic (which is what it was designed for) with MAXPLATS errors. I raised the limit to an obsence amount, but it still happened. However, the map look detailed, maybe it plays okay on a modern port. But, since it won't play on the original, what it was designed for, I can only give it 1 star for the layout.x

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