Title: Battle for the sphere of chaos
Filename: levels/hexen/a-c/bftsoc.zip
Size: 6.11 MB
Date: 05/28/16
Author: Kenon
Description: My long work for Hexen, which i was started in September 2013. It have only 4 levels, but it have "hub" mode. Story: The action takes place in parallel world of Hexen, where instead of Korax, world Cronos was attacked by D'Sparil and with the help of his army brought the chaos and destruction to this world. The task of heroes - crush the D'Sparil and destroy the Sphere of Chaos, which he uses to control his troops.
Credits: Raven software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Many months
Editor(s) used: Slade 3, doom builder 2
Rating: (18 votes)
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Kind of silly, actually. It's Hexen in terms of classes/weapons, but everything else is Heretic. Killing D'Sparil with a 4th weapon class of a Hexen character is far too easy - if anything, there is far too much mana in the game (esp. the boss room at the end). Why Hexen textures couldn't have been used instead baffles me.x
Played as mage. Woe to you if you choose fighter - ranged enemies are abundant. So, this is a Heretic WAD that requires the Hexen IWAD. It transplants everything from Heretic but player weapons. As a Heretic WAD it is quite good - there are some annoyances in level design and monster strength but it's much better than usual Heretic stuff. Probably decent amount of ammo helps.x

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