Title: Hexcity for Hexen
Filename: levels/hexen/g-i/hexcity.zip
Size: 162.08 KB
Date: 11/15/96
Author: David Meurin davidm@infomatch.com
Description: Hexcity is a modern, medieval walled city. If you get past the gate, you can go to the theatre or the art gallery. Enjoy the restaurant, which is supplied by the butcher shop next door, which is supplied by the graveyard next door.The city has been conquered by fiends and demons who are eating the previous inhabitants. You may plunder the shops, rob the bank, go to the library, disrupt a church service, fall into the sewer, go to jail...and more. There's a whole city to explore.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: HETH,DCK, ZenNode
Rating: (7 votes)
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dylux: Same as Wolfen's comments. But not enough mana.x
Wolfen: Much better than I expected, I think this was probably the first GOOD city made for Hexen.x
Experienced LOTS of "segmentation errors" on this one. Anyone knows what is causing it?x
and I agree with the person who agrees with the person above me. x
*vash agrees with above commenterx
Strange level. The architecture is fantastic, but it's completely open ended, and in fact it's possible to exit the level without really exploring any of the city. Great for people that like non-linear levels.x

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