Title: Lepistus
Filename: levels/hexen/j-l/lepistus.zip
Size: 7.73 MB
Date: 12/03/19
Author: whirledtsar
Description: Korax's minions have wrought havok upon your homeland. Your people's ancient guardian, the Wyvern, has been dormant in the mountains for centuries. Legend has it that only the Bell Of Lepistus can wake it from its slumber. You believe that time has come. However, the sacred bell is well-guarded within the eponymous walled city. Your quest has led you to this place, a city whose citizens have been slaughtered wholesale and replaced with foul new denizens under the command of Korax.
Credits: Raven for Hexen; the developers of all tools used; the creators of new sprites/textures/music used (detailed credits inside pk3); PerfectionismTech for playtesting
Base: New from scratch
Build time: bout tree fiddy
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder Bugfix fork, Slade
Bugs: If you're completely still, the Ranger class's flechette won't spawn until you move
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