Title: Stonegate: The Search For Alexander ver 1.0b
Filename: levels/hexen/s-u/stngat11.zip
Size: 240.7 KB
Date: 08/22/96
Author: Paul A. Thureen, and Charles Reis
Description: After you had defeated the evil Korax, you thought it was over.
Credits: id, raven, Byron Collins, Charles Reis, Geraldo: the wonder guinea pig, Beth, my beutiful girlfriend, and of course, my dad for putting up with me being on the computer all the time, Doug, and the rest of the gang at the Hexen fan club.
Base: Original
Build time: in Hours how many hours are in 4 months?
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (8 votes)
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Alexander is out for good. He's still mapping the new project.x
Lots of bland, open, plainly designed areas, some of which copy areas from the original Hexen IWAD for...some reason. Gameplay is very easy and very straightforward--no challenges save for the Stalker Bosses in "Swamp of Despair," which was the only map with atmosphere and a need for tactical ability. The final battle is anticlimactic, not to mention very easy because you can get some in-fighting going. 2/5x
Going to have to agree with the one who said it's not that great. 50% or so of it is "tributes" that are basically inferior rehashes of areas from the IWAD levels. The Swamp of Despair is a high point, but that's not saying much given what it's a high point in.x
Poorly thought tricks and traps, + empty spaces = a very "good" example of what you should not do when you build a nice set of levels for Hexen. It's a pity since it really feels like the author can do something far better, but these are just straightforward levels with no imagination. Shame, as I was expecting something else since the reviews weren't too bad. 2/5, doesn't worth more than this.x
Nice open map design. A bit empty; could have done with less stalkers and more of everyone else, and a bit more embellishments around the maps. Still, it has a very "clean" feel to it that you don't get in that many wads, which makes it nice to play.x
The gameplay and visuals are not the greatest, but it's not too bad. The aforementioned swamp does have some cool bits.x
I like this one quite a lot. Everything is clean and neat, though detail is a bit sparse in places. Several of the maps have excellent atmosphere, particularly the Swamp of Despair. Lots of fast action--i. e. tearing around the aforementioned swamp like some jumped up bloodslavering crawdaddy whilst liberally administering the 'ol "axeblade sodomy" to the hordes of local Stalkers. Not perfect though--mana and artifacts are definitely overabundant. Still, a great effort. --TDotWx

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