Title: Wolf Chapel Revisit
Filename: levels/hexen/v-z/wolfr.zip
Size: 789.02 KB
Date: 11/15/20
Author: whirledtsar
Description: A reimagining of the Wolf Chapel map from Hexen. The goal was to rework and expand upon the basic layout & ideas from the original. There are two new enemies (the Scimitar and Shadow Wizard) and subtle tweaks to a couple vanilla monsters (eg. Slaughtaurs' eyes glow blue). Furthermore, a few vanilla weapons (the frost shards, firestorm, and mace) have been tweaked to be less random and more reliable. But overall I tried not to go too crazy with custom stuff and mostly stick with vanilla sprites and textures or edits thereof.
Credits: The developers of all tools used; Ettingrinder, Ichor, Kristus, Neoworm, & NotJabba for various new textures/decoration sprites used; Caco and Suporma for playtesting
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~1 month
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: None
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