Title: Rusty Shekels For Cinnamon Sap
Filename: levels/strife/rusty.zip
Size: 1.08 MB
Date: 11/05/22
Author: Xyzzy01
Description: This is a large vanilla map made for the game Strife that makes use of a rather extensive SeHackEd patch. The changes are listed in a separate text file.
Credits: fraggle for giving me a copy of SeHackEd, complete with the example patches that came with it. Without his help, I would've given up making this map.
Base: From scratch
Build time: Three months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, MS Paint, SeHackEd v0.4
Bugs: Crashes in the UFO sections are intentional. There's one crusher room that may crash occasionally, don't know how to fix that so save often. The switch at the southern side of that same room may fail to work sometimes as well. On super rare occasions the spectre might survive being crushed? might need to look into that. You can also get stuck in a black void area from the barrel room, but only when you're strafe-running to the right, it seems. Just run forward normally before you teleport there. Also, there are several places where you can see things in walls before they are supposed to show up; don't worry about it, I'll chalk that up to the very silly way I designed the map. There is also the DRAWSEG HOMs and sprite flicker that usually come with large vanilla maps, meh.
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