Title: lv13-600.zip
Filename: lmps/COMPET-N/doom2/lv13-600.zip
Size: 10.1 KB
Date: 11/29/96
Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert
Description: After recording the coop - uv13net2 - I thought I could improve my own record. Changed the start and the time I jump to the chaingun. In the last record(ing) I used the Spider at the teleporter to kill at least one Revenant. Now I telefrag her. Sometimes she has already teleported but in 9 out of 10 attempts I have to wait. The other problem is to have the Revenants, Spiders and Cacos fight each other. Sometimes there is only one Revenant and that helps a lot, but not that often, if you don't waste time guiding a homing missile from the Revenant to a Spider. I recorded a 6:08 rather fast, but wasn't that happy with the time. I hope exactly 6 minutes is OK :)
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