Title: l3foxer3.zip
Filename: lmps/doom2/1.9pwad/l3foxer3.zip
Size: 224.08 KB
Date: 06/09/96
Author: Kirby Nixon (IRC #deathmatch: _Dasa_)
Description: This .wad is another one of my personal favorites because it's changed sound effects (the two death sounds) and a few others make it a hell of a lot of fun. The layout of it is simple and makes for some hilarious spec rocket deaths as you'll see. There are a few errors where rockets go thru walls in the "pit of death" but it doesn't crash the game.
Credits: Timinator, Tower and Yerac for being the best doomers I've ever played and to making me a better player with them. Thanks to Darts for hosting the net party where this lmp was made.
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