Title: BOOM editing utilities
Filename: themes/TeamTNT/boom/editutil.zip
Size: 495.46 KB
Date: 05/27/98
Author: TeamTNT
Description: A collection of editing utilities for Boom.

CLED v4.88 - a commandline editor for DOOM

CMAPTOOL - a colormap generation utility

CVTTHING - a kit to change wads written for the release version of BOOM to the maintenance release 1 version of BOOM

MAKTRLMP - a tool to turn a TRANMAP.DAT file made by BOOM into a TRANMAP.LMP file that can be included as a custom translucency lump

MUSPUT - used to put a music source file into a wad

STAT - a program used to inspect the general nature of a wad

SWANTBLS - a tool that will generate both the SWITCHES and ANIMATED lumps from a text file

TRIGCALC - a tool for for calculating numbers for generalized linedef types
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