Title: Theme Patch Skins
Filename: themes/apt/thskins.zip
Size: 380.2 KB
Date: 10/09/99
Author: Mike Fredericks (Gokuma)
Description: Theme Patch skins of enemies from Werner Spahl's Theme Patch for Doom Legacy, ZDoom, or any other source port with skin support. These were modified to make them suitable for replacement players.
Credits: Werner Spahl for Theme Patch These skins are based on his Theme Patch enemies. Creators of editors used Creators of Doom Legacy for Doom skin support Id Software for DooM
Base: theme17.wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: NWT, Wintex, Kege's colremap, dmgraph, paintbrush Spry ImageView
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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okay but not amazing. features 2 al|ens skins, a predator skin, two types of terminator skins, and some skin with a wolfenstein sprite as a base.x

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