Title: HOKUTO NO DOOM - Level designer resource kit
Filename: themes/hokuto.zip
Size: 2.98 MB
Date: 07/18/08
Author: Benoit Spacher (project manager)
Description: First adaptation ever of the "Hokuto No Ken" comic/TV animation in the DOOM engine. New textures, new items, new sprites, new weapons, new sounds, and new music. The project uses the most familiar "Hokuto No Ken" characters (also known as "Fist of the North Star" and "Ken il Guerriero") from TV episodes 1 to 22 (manga 1&2). (See end of file for detailed description).
Credits: The "Hokuto No Doom" development team, over 30 people, listed on the credits page and the video trailer.

STAFF & special thanks (by alphabetical order) :

Abis - Alree - ]ASTS[ - Beaneator - BGMLV Big Slaughter - Bluemystyk - Dani3 - [DB] [dp]Phoenix - Dr Raichi - Emilealpi - Eros Falco199X - Flow - Gatsu - Guerrier Inconnu Hades - Iceman57 - Ironmugen - Izmoo - Kain Karmaggeddon - Keops - Klyridol - Lhaz Loic49 - Mac53 - Macfly57 - Marines Cacodemon MauriceMike - MW9 - [n00b] - Nandin - Noals Otakumaster - Ouza - Pozouille - [PSA]Bloodninja Saku00 - [sec-r]Showa - SelfDestructBoy Sematary - Shiini - [SL] - [SL]Fred [SL]Yetimothee - Taz - The Ubbergeek Tiger Lili - VzzzV - [WH]Wilou84
Base: Modified or derived (Hokuto No Ken characters, some graphics by id Software were used as a base)
Build time: 1200 hours during 11 months from October 2006 till September 2007
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, XWE, Dmgraph, Dmaud, Midi2mus, Dmmusic
Bugs: As sprites are bigger in order to respect original comic/Tv animation, heads may be cut by the ceilings on OpenGL port. "POSS" character size requires a minimum value of "88" from floor to ceiling. "SARG" character size requires a minimum value of "104" from floor to ceiling. We advise you to not play in "fast monsters" mode, as the "SARG" character doesn't have a speed matching with the one from the original TV animation.
Rating: (45 votes)
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