Title: NCC1701.wad
Filename: themes/startrek/ncc1701.zip
Size: 2.72 MB
Date: 02/29/00
Author: Ryan Polczer
Description: - Ncc1701.wad uses over 300 new bitmaps, 55 sound effects, and a dozen new level-maps to depict the look and feel of Star Trek (the original series and the Next Generation). This file will also replace the sprites for seven of the eight Doom2 weapons, as well as the "player 1" sprite, the "former human", "former sergeant", "chaingun soldier", and many of the items and scenery.

- In creating this Star Trek theme for DOOM, my original "vision" was limited to simply recreating the Starships from the various TV shows, reproducing the look and feel of the shows using Bitmaps and Sound FX. I only created three different levels, and it has occurred to me that a crucial aspect of "Star Trek" is missing from my wadfile. (ie: the variety that comes with visiting a different planet each episode). It didn't seem enough for me to just re-create the various TV sets as "walk-throughs-with-monsters", without somehow addressing the "serial" nature of the Star Trek genre.

So, then I redesigned my WAD under the following premise: a small-sized version of the Enterprise could be created, and carried through from one level to the next, with different "level-maps" connected to the Enterprise via the transporter room. The player would become familiar with the Starship Enterprise after just a few levels, but the variety comes from having a different "adventure" connected to that same Starship on each level.

In this wad, the Enterprise changes very little from one level to the next, but in each level the "planet" is different; just go to the transporter room and "beam down" to the area of the map that DOES change from level to level.

In deathmatch games, the battles tend to center around the different "planet" areas; since the player will always rematerialize on the "ship", he/she can grab a few weapons & supplies before hitting the "transporter room" to rejoin the fight. (This adds a unique strategic element to the game as well, since players can be prepared before rejoining a dangerous situation.)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor and WinTex
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)
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This is a very ambitious partial conversion that deserves a few stars for effort, although I sense more passion than skill in the making. The maps are square and dull; the weapons are based on the same laser pistol design and are hard to tell apart; and the author isn't sure whether the wad is supposed to be serious or jokey, and there's a cartoonish look to everything. The last few levels are almost identical. I'm sure the shotgun sound comes from Star Wars.x

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