Filename: themes/starwars/sw2.zip
Size: 1.93 MB
Date: 11/30/95
Author: VAN RENIER A.K.A. INCognito
Description: This WAD file is the result of MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. First I saw some "nifty" batch programs that would modify the main IWAD for the original DOOM, But I didn't like that idea. If I want to change from STARWARS to something else, I had to go in and change them all back again. So after a long and arduous search I found out how to make PWADs with sprites in them! But the WADs with sprites in them WONT convert via conventional methods. After getting quite a few requests for a DOOM ][ version, I finally went back and got it working. I had to de-compose the original PWAD into its original graphics, sounds, music, etc... Then had to re-insert them into a NEW WAD. The DOOM ][ IWAD needed to have it's sprites isolated, then joined with the sprites from the PWAD. Well, all in all, IT WAS WORTH THE FRUSTRATION.
Credits: Special thanks goes to All the programmers of the DOOM editing software; WADMAN, WADED, DEU, DMGRAPH, DMMUSIC, DMAUD, WINTEX, and some others. Thanks also to all those that spent time working on these GFX. (I didn't create these gfx, I just consolidated them all to- gether.)
Base: Scratch -- (used previously created gfx, from multiple authors)
Build time: ORIGINAL DOOM WAD: 2-3 days (to get it where i wanted it!) And DOOM2.WAD 3-4 Weeks!
Editor(s) used: WADMAN, WINTEX, DEU (I & II), WADED, DMGRAPH, DMAUD, DMMUSIC, and a few others.
Bugs: Completely Bug Free --DISCLAIMER: although i have not found any bugs, the possibility exists.
Rating: (3 votes)
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So THIS is where those ugly ass stormtroopers in SKINS.WAD came from!! also, the pistol and machine gun graphics were frequently seen in WADs back then as well. Interesting little thing, but no SFX really seem to be there. Gets a 3 just because of how much harder things like this were to make back then.x

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