Filename: themes/starwars/sw2a.zip
Size: 313.2 KB
Date: 11/30/95
Author: VAN RENIER A.K.A. INCognito
Description: This WAD file is the result of MANY SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. First I saw some "nifty" batch programs that would modify the main IWAD for the original DOOM, But I didn't like that idea. If I want to change from STARWARS to something else, I had to go in and change them all back again.
Credits: Special thanks goes to All the programmers of the DOOM editing software; WADMAN, WADED, DEU, DMGRAPH, DMMUSIC, DMAUD, WINTEX, and some others. Thanks also to all those that spent time working on these GFX. (I didn't create these gfx, I just consolidated them all to- gether.)
Base: Scratch -- (used previously recorded sounds)
Build time: ORIGINAL DOOM WAD: 2-3 days (to get it where i wanted it!) And DOOM2.WAD 2-3 days.
Editor(s) used: WADMAN, WINTEX, DEU (I & II), WADED, DMGRAPH, DMAUD, DMMUSIC, and a few others.
Bugs: Completely Bug Free --DISCLAIMER: although i have not found any bugs, the possibility exists.
Rating: (4 votes)
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