Title: AVGN Adventure Part One
Filename: themes/terrywads/avgn.zip
Size: 10.19 MB
Date: 10/28/14
Author: Superscopeblaster
Description: I decided to create a wad that will fulfill the needs of AVGN fans. The character pretty much rages just like the AVGN. The weapon you get is a NES Zapper, along with a secret weapon not related to AVGN. There are two levels.

MAP01-Game Lab You start in a lab and you work your way outside, to kill and get rid of monsters. The exit is to kill the barons of hell. There is one secret.

PORTNUKE-Portable Nuke Test Map This isn't really an AVGN map, but it was a pretty cool think to try out.
Credits: Turok 2:Seeds of Evil for some of the portable nuke gun sounds. And of course, the main menu theme is the AVGN theme.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A week or two.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Paint.net, Audacity, Paint.net.
Bugs: New portable nuke doesnt work unless you die. (Kill, then resurrect) though when you die while holding the gun, it wont work so you have to kill-resurrect again. This is a bug I can't for the love of my life figure out. (This could be a bug on my side though)
Rating: (10 votes)
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The only complaint I have is that the fake BSOD doesn't cover the whole screen. Use SetHudSize next time.x
Short quite poor sort-of jokewad. Dead simple layout, almost no architecture, and outdated ambiance. Gameplay is based on an infinite-ammo superpistol, and regrettably for the author, it did not give any fun. BTW No idea why this should take a ridiculously 10 MB.x
Terry Trap inbound.x
it's good, but the weapon sprites needs some work.x

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