Title: Enigmatic Hell
Filename: themes/terrywads/enigmatc.zip
Size: 44.78 MB
Date: 05/30/15
Author: Eziam Grand1
Description: I have been developing an experimental Doom Wad. It has two classes to choose, both with weaknesses and strengths.

You and your sister are in their home in a power outage. You search for your parents, but the demons await you. Locked away in your own home, having fretful thoughts, the catacombs is your last resort to find your parents, and your safety.
Credits: Clock Tower: The First Fear for two songs used.
Base: New from scratch or Modified (name of original file)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade, FL Studio, Audacity, and Photoshop.
Bugs: Some very little leaks that are only noticeable when getting very close to them.
Rating: (9 votes)
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I saw some terry traps but they were funny as hell. MAP02 was hard, but cute. Some maps were insane, and MAP69 is a terry trap. The first boss in MAP07 (The Finale) was difficult, but if you use the Vitality Class, the first phase is not that hard. Just hide next to the platform thingie, aim up, and shoot. Adjust yourself to stay alive. Save in the 2nd phase, and do the same strategy if possible.x
Holy fucking shit!!! Now this is a revolutioned wad ! Beatable with some little cheats but it haves an awesome gameplay! Keep it up man. 5/5x
Best Terrywad I've ever played. It was beatable and fun(ny) to play. Recommended.x

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