Title: Days of Xornox - Days of GZDoom - Prologue
Filename: themes/terrywads/gzdox1.zip
Size: 457.57 KB
Date: 05/05/14
Author: Ogre and Matthew
Description: After a year in development, the GZDoom remake for the critically panned "Days of Xornox" series is finally finished. A collaboration project between Ogre and Matthew Jury, this project has complex ACS scripts, detailed environments, epic story, and heaps of fun!

This is the prologue in the epic trilogy, Part 1 coming soon!

We hope you enjoy this feature modification for GZDoom!

Story: The story is set 200 years after the forces of hell surrendered before Flynn Taggart, the savior of humanity. Despite humanity's deceicive victory over hell, over the cource of the 200 years that have passed, a new leader had arisen in hell, Xornox, and has taken control over the elements themselves, now having an army of demons composed over every element known to the universe, he has set off a crusade across the universe.

His first conquest, Sol. You must gear up with your fellow elites and drive back this new evil. It will not be easy, with the power of the elements of the universe, Xornox will use all measures to defeat you.
Credits: Doomworld, Id Software, Frank Laing, The people who made the textures used in this, ZDoom, Graf Zhal.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: This map took a month, the whole thing took a year.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, XWE, SLADE, Doom Builder, UDMFConvert
Bugs: We spent like 2 months fixing them so I doubt there are any.
Rating: (3 votes)
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I'll rather give this wad 5/5 stars instead of the gay ass 0/5 votes.x
Terry WADx

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