Title: A Lost Outpost
Filename: themes/terrywads/lostout.zip
Size: 2.53 MB
Date: 06/21/15
Author: Mr. C
Description: Having dug yourself out of a UAC prison for conspiring with several hell-aligned cults in the invasion of Earth, you now find yourself in a forest outside the maximum security prison, likely wanted and searched for by global police.

Although nothing seems like it did before, likely owing to overdosing on the drugs you were prescribed to in prison. The fate of your life is uncertain at this point, but you have to push on regardless.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder and Slade
Rating: (4 votes)
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God works in misterious waysx
I walked through some almost totally dark corridors, fell in a hole, reappeared in some cartoonesk area with moving floors, pressed the first button found, and suddenly after in total 42 seconds it was game over. This all without firing even one shot or facing any enemy. I don't know wtf this is supposed to be, but it's definitely *not* DooM ID intended it to be.x
well holy fuck.....literallyx

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