Title: Psychomancy
Filename: themes/terrywads/psychoma.zip
Size: 793.44 KB
Date: 04/13/15
Author: MaximDoomer
Description: I've been practicing my mapping skills for quite long now, and I've finally made a satisfactory level. It's a very E3-styled map and is quite hard. I'm hoping this wad is good enough for all of you.
Credits: id Software for this awesome game
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: Not sure
Rating: (7 votes)
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Avoid downloading this level; for the same experience, start any level from episode 3 of Ultimate Doom, shoot 7 enemies, flick the light switch in your room on and off as fast as possible while screaming AAAAAAAAAH into a kazoo until you run out of breath, and then exit GZdoom.x
The detailing is average, but still a nice wad.x
Warning for players sensitive for epilepsy: can trigger a seizure. Hopefully DoomWorld mods take their responsibility and remove this potentially dangerous shit meant for provoking only, before something bad happens - and (at least in the USA) inevitably they'll be sued...x

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