Title: ScrewedMan Reality
Filename: themes/terrywads/screw.zip
Size: 2.29 MB
Date: 02/04/16
Description: You probably wonder to know what happned to that guy who does believe in religion and ignore science but one day he seek to god and pray as to why he always gets so bad everytime he walk on a city and will be stolen all of his Money by gangsta and have nothing to pay and Trying to find a better job to quit the country and such but one week later at night he goes to the toilet and lock in there so incoming a spirit appart instantly and ask to the guy do you like to play the Geme? and so everything started and changed "Yare Yare Daze" to be continuted.
Credits: Slumped, IDSOFTWARE, Akira Toriyama, All the 2D games, and the Mass of autism
Base: An little piece of Sheet
Build time: Oh BoB Saget!1111111111111111111
Editor(s) used: Slumped/XWE
Bugs: Bugs are in the Hairs
Rating: (4 votes)
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