Title: The Temple of La Bula
Filename: themes/terrywads/ttolb.zip
Size: 10.54 MB
Date: 07/11/14
Author: Pchodyrev
Description: In 1976, an archaeologist found a very strange ancient temple in the Iranian desert. Scientists then researched the temple and found a gateway teleporter to it. When they entered it, everything was empty but they found a portal. They have been constructing devices everywhere to make the portal work. Everything worked, except demons spawned from the portal and invaded the temple. Now you have to kill the demons and see what's inside the portal!
Credits: Brad Carney for Skulltag textures and ZPack for music.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Sony Vegas and Slade 3
Bugs: None.
Rating: (5 votes)
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LOL the best part is the dialogs in the scripts of the maps...x
I know this is Terry Wad,but it's interesting at the beginning. I would like if the sequel (WITHOUT Terry trap) would be presented.x
one more masterpiece to idgames!x
^Liar, this wad has a terry trap and should be avoided at all costs.x
5/5 stars. I loved the gameplay and the level design. But why is this on terrywad section? This has no terry traps at all and it's a great wad.x

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