Title: World of Anarchy
Filename: themes/terrywads/wrldanar.zip
Size: 1.69 MB
Date: 03/01/15
Author: MCFreak
Description: Here's a generic deathmatch wad i made from months of procrastination. It's actually a representation of how today's deathmatch wads look, missing that good old fragtastic feeling. This level may or may not be an exception, i'll let you be the judge of that. It features many corridors, rarely hidden ones. Oh, and as always, you MUST use skulltag data and actors for it to work properly. Unless you wanna see a bunch of missing textures and actors.
Credits: iD software for Doom, Carnevil and the rest of the team for ST, Zdoom devs, +26 to go.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 months (of procrastination)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade and xWe
Bugs: There may be a HOM present near the bloodfalls in the small corridor to the south(automap facing). If you find any more bugs, email them to me and i'll try and fix it.
Rating: (5 votes)
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^Wrong. The trap activates when there are more than two people inside. @ Author: Improvements here and there from your last 'demo' wad, however you still need work. It's a shame your talent is wasted in this theme. Solid.x
^^The trap must be activated manually via the "Puke" commandx
I'll give it 2 for variations, not anymore because of the traps nor the stupid design.x
why is this on terrywads? It don't have trap from what I've played it... good map, too OP at points, 4/5x
Meh, it's good, but not that good. I don't get the metaphor tho, either you've played shitty deathmatches or some other reason. Otherwise this is average. I would have added another star dor the (weird) boss fight, but it's too hard on the multiplayer because of desync. 6/10 -Masked Shredder, 2015x

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