Title: DIIE!
Filename: themes/university/diie.zip
Size: 117.64 KB
Date: 10/16/95
Author: Sebastien Bacquet
Description: DIIE! is the new version of IIE (the difficulty is increased) which crashed a computer with a Sound Blaster, Pro and 16 (I own a Gravis UltraSound and it does not crash). The problem was the music so I have decided to remove it. DIIE! is a big one-player (or cooperative) level for original DOOM.
Credits: Philippe "Garry", Stephane "Stassi" and Cyril "Becooling" for testing it
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.83B, DEU, DCK 2.2, EDMAP
Bugs: None, please report any
Rating: (3 votes)
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Could have been a good level if not that boring switch hunting at the end.x
The original IIE.wad was on the Master Levels CD - it had a terrible MIDI rendition of U-96's techno version of the "Das Boot" theme tune. This level seems much the same but without the music. It's dire, like most other university levels, just a lot of small tedious identical rooms that you move through, although in this iteration of the genre you get to shoot (presumably) French zombies. Includes specs.wad, which gives the status bar face some glasses.x

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