Title: Doom U.H.S.: A PWAD of Unionville High School
Filename: themes/university/dmuhs061.zip
Size: 220.41 KB
Date: 12/01/96
Author: Alex Lau
Description: Unionville High School

Unionville High School, built in 1985, is situated in Unionville,
Credits: Transcription: Alex Lau (paper to computer) Alan Ho (blueprint to paper) Textures: Alan Ho Major Bhaduria Documentation: Alex Lau Alpha Testing: Alex Lau Alan Ho James Chang Eddie Chang Major Bhaduria

Special Thanks: Doom engine, from id Software Original 1984 blueprints, from Rick Mutuchky Managing Textures and the `Unpegged' Attribute, by Scott Amspoker PWAD Authoring Template, by Steve Bareman Official Doom FAQ, Hank Leukart school map hand drawings, from Andy S., and Kelly Skoutakis
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 16 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit v3.61 Win Tex v4.3 Zen Node v0.98a
Bugs: Lots of texture inconsistencies
Rating: (8 votes)
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my favorite wad. but after a while you should have some monsters outside that represent cops. other than that AWESOME JOB!!!x
sure beats shooting up your school in real life i guess, a shame it isnt columbine.x
This is awesome!! It does look college-like. I don't like the imps, I'd rather have the former humans, adds to the realism of the level. But anyway, it's a great WAD of school.x
Build time: 16 months Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit v3.61 Phew. Those were the times, eh?x
This is one of those levels where you slaughter the students and staff of a university. It was designed in a more innocent time. The level is generally rotten, because the 148 monsters are scattered singly over a wide area, and it's just a lot of square rooms. On the other hand the design is an impressive feat - undetailed, but large, with a nice-looking main stairwell. Uses lots of teleporters to give a multi-storey effect. Gets one star for effort.x
The level is pretty cool, but it's kinda boring. There are barely any demons or zombies to blast.x

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