Title: Astrostein 3
Filename: themes/wolf3d/astro3.zip
Size: 3.27 MB
Date: 03/02/98
Author: Laz Rojas
Description: 13-level WolfenDOOM adventure, featuring new
Credits: The guys at id, for creating both
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Three months, on and off
Editor(s) used: HellMaker, Demon, Deimos, MacBSP, Inkworks,
Bugs: None.
Rating: (13 votes)
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Getsu Fune
best of the Astrostein trilogy, but still has the same symmetrical layouts. some levels were pretty hard too.x
I wasn't expecting much from this wad, until now...x
fuck you, this is the best. it's like starwars/startrek and wolfenstein put together.x
Much better than the previous two installments! The level design is more varied, and gameplay is less of a constant switch/keycard hunt; DEHACKED problems from Astrostein 2 (lamps etc. being obstacles in ZDoom) are gone. Still doesn't work perfectly in ZDoom, but that maybe ZDoom's fault rather than the WAD's. Overall, recommended.x

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