Title: '­GO GET 'EM­'...the 'Ultimate Conquest' against the Nazis.
Filename: themes/wolf3d/get_them.zip
Size: 872.41 KB
Date: 09/15/00
Author: Javier Fdo. Almenara Otoya
Description: The Story So Far...
After the Second World War ended (1945), all of the members of the Nazi clan, began to escape to different parts of the World. Some of the worst members like Dr. Josef Mengele decided to hide in Argentina. But the most dangerous plans are still there... somewhere 'A Dark Secret' was elaborating. You are the son of Captain William 'B.J.' Blazkowitz, your name Javier Fdo. (¿?); your father fighted against those letal guards and finally he finished them all!... but 'The Trail of The Madman' plained to start it over again. You can't accept this, you were decided; you know about 'The Operation: Eisenfaust' your father told you about it... this can't be real. Dr. Mengele and the Commandant SS - Erich Priebke, were working on this; 'the Nightmare' has started again. They have got the sons of the principal bosses and a 'cloned Hitler boy'; contribution of Mengele. You heard about a 'Military Installation' at Offenbach. You realized that the 'Confrontation' was going to begin sooner... or later. The World is in your hands.
Credits: id Software - Wolfenstein and SOD Games.
Laz Rojas - email: filmman@pacificnet.net (Author of the Original & Nocturnal Missions for DOOM2)
Joel Murdoch - email: Joel@ts.co.nz (The Engine Tester)
Base: Wolfenstein and SOD characters adapted for DOOM & DOOM2 (Finally I get it working without the necessity to Merge it!)
Build time: Really, I don't get the time...
Editor(s) used: WinTex 4.3,,, what more?
Bugs: Anyone (¿?). (Well maybe one; I can't change the Arch-Vile's moves... they were a lot!)
Rating: (7 votes)
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This is fantastic! Great job. The Pac Man ghosts were a little irritating but other than that it was excellent.x
Thanks, this is pretty cool. I enjoy adding Wolf3d elements to Doom Maps.x
thank you i always wanted 2 c wolf 3d characters in doom levelsx
The DEH file isn't even read *as* a Dehacked file. Ptooey. Simple rule: if the wad authors don't care, then I shouldn't either.x

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