Title: Wolfenstein Sprites
Filename: themes/wolf3d/wolfspt.zip
Size: 261.51 KB
Date: 02/11/96
Author: Robert J.Hutchison
Description: Changes game characters to Wolfenstein characters ---------------------------------------------------------- Former Human(Trooper) = Soldier Cacodemon = Soldier (fast) Lost Soul = Soldier (semi-deaf) ---------------------------------------------------------- Imp = Officer (shoots rockets) Pain Elemental = Officer (fast -shoots rockets) ---------------------------------------------------------- Sergents = Zombie ---------------------------------------------------------- Demon = Dog Spectre = Dog (fast) ----------------------------------------------------------
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The walking animations for several characters are off so as certain sprites walk they disappear into the floor. A good resource pack I guess.x
This is actually pretty enjoyable. The deh file doesn't seem to work in Zandorum but I like it.x
good mod the only drawback is the officer doesn't drop a rocket launcher 4/5 starsx
This was actually pretty hand for me to get WolfenDoom working in ZDoom. It fixed the two files I needed, the sprites and the sound effects. I don't see it as a good mod, but could be used as a good tool for people who need the Wolfenstein 3-D content for something.x
the description alone sucks so bad nobody understood what replaces what. Plus, it's a ripoff. 0/5x

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