Title: Act9
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/act9.zip
Size: 204.04 KB
Date: 03/23/02
Author: Harry Daalmeijer (planetone)
Description: The winner gets it all(?)
Credits: Richard Clark for his Zdoom knowledge base plus his help and his sliding door, the guys who helped me at the zdoomforum when I got stuck in the scripts, Randy Heit for his excellent Zdoom, testers Dita, Robin and Guillaume
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deepsea, Wintex
Rating: (10 votes)
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wow, good job on the level. but sadly you ruined it with that porn picture. but still, 3/5x
Not great. It's basically a bog-standard 1994 level with some Zdoom features (tinted water, some scripts, an unimpressive conveyor belt). There are only three small sections, and it's easy. The maze that descends around you surprised me, but the author does nothing with it. The gently undulating final room was an odd touch. It ends with Pamela Anderson from an old Playboy video; there's a clean version in the archive as id=11513.x
all that for just a wall texture?x
WOW if u win... then theres this great endingx

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