Title: ELENIAK, a new environment for your preferred: DOOM ][
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/eleniak.zip
Size: 184.36 KB
Date: 12/27/00
Author: Javier Fernando Almenara Otoya
Description: A file that constains some new Sound Effects, new Music (for level 1) and some new stuff, like 'nude' screens of this pretty woman. Take a time and enjoy this WAD file.
Credits: LionHeart TM. and to all the persons that have developed that usefull Tools to Make and Change the Doom Environment (WinTex, Deusf, CleanWAD, TED, Midi2Mus and much others). Oh sure, Id Soft. for their DOOM.
Base: New Sound Effects, Music and Screens for ADULTS.
Build time: Oh, come on, I'm not really sure. But I guess, I had take a good time for all of this...
Editor(s) used: Sure, I have used for this creation: WinTex, a complete interfase to Modify and Create WADS Deusf, a file that helps joining the WADS (and more) CleanWAD, obviously to clean the wasted space of WADS TED, to change the End Screen Midi2Mus, make a Midi file changes its format for DOOM Also I have checked out some other tools in my way of building it.
Bugs: ¿Bugs?... well, I didn't find anyone in all the way arround while I was checking the WAD. Please contact me, if you find some strange problem.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Basically six black and white photographs of Erica Eleniak (she was in Baywatch, which is what your dad used to watch of a Saturday evening when you were very young, back when Steven Seagal was a credible and respected action/martial arts star) used as menu screens etc. And a woman's voice, perhaps hers, when you exit the game. If you're reading this you can find better-quality naked pictures of her with Google's image search, assuming it hasn't been sued into oblivion.x

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