Title: PD3D (Porn Doom 3D)
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/pd3d.zip
Size: 2.95 MB
Date: 10/08/95
Author: Matt Berseth
Description: ----------------
Credits: Creators of Doom and all of the girls in the pic's
Base: -----------------
Build time:
Editor(s) used: dmgraph, wintex, psp, dmaud, dmmusic
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (17 votes)
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The images were good.x
"Technically this isn't legal - not because of the porn (which is mostly Playboy-type stuff, circa 1995)" - no, this is illegal too, as it is a copyright violation.x
that was g*yx
Technically this isn't legal - not because of the porn (which is mostly Playboy-type stuff, circa 1995), but because it has copies of most of the original Doom sprites as well.x

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