Title: SLUT
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/slut.zip
Size: 763.85 KB
Date: 05/09/10
Author: TimeOfDeath (Chris Balch)
Description: Warning - contains a sprite of a nude woman.

SLUT is a remake of the mission "Surface Call" from Half-Life Decay (extra coop/single-player missions that come with the PS2 version of Half- Life). I built the map by loading the Half-Life mission on my tv, counting floor tiles and estimating floor/ceiling heights, and using only IWAD textures/flats to try to mimic the Half-Life textures/flats. All of the rooms that have square tile floors are almost exactly built to scale as the rooms in Half-Life. The outdoor areas and the pink factory were estimated.

Gameplay is almost identical to the Half-Life Decay mission. The Siren acts as a scientist, but the dialog is different. Monster placement is identical to the Half-Life mission, except the cacos were added just for fun. There are only two enemies in the Half-Life mission. The monsters you face and the weapon you use depend on the skill setting you choose.

This map requires jumping and was intended to be played without crouching and no bfg-aiming.

Also, keep in mind that you can break crates with your crowbar in Half-Life to reveal health and ammo...
Credits: id Software - Valve - Gearbox Software - Sierra - Author of the mission "Surface Call" from Half- Life Decay for PS2 - Authors of the programs I used - Diablo and Wraithchilde for Sirens.wad - Creaphis for music - Eli Litwin for music - David Guetta for music - gggmork for help with the moving platforms and recording demos - Fisk for script help - Super Jamie for script help -
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68, XWE 1.16, WhackEd2, Paint Shop Pro 7, Paint
Bugs: The moving platforms will stop moving if you stand in front of them - press the switch again to reset them.
Rating: (9 votes)
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