Title: WOW2
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/wow2.zip
Size: 726.86 KB
Date: 11/20/97
Author: Xavi
Description: Well, the idea came just before I finished WOW! That PWAD is jolly good but there are no modified sprites nor flats. That is because I had only dmgraph to work with, and this program cannot manage these sprites properly. So I downloaded Wintex. Then things have become different! This PWAD is a complement of the first one. I have modified all flats and ceilings and almost all static sprites (torches, columns, etc). In fact I didn't change the enemies because I still don't know what to do with the sounds, but I've got enough material for the graphic part.

So, you may see and admire Stacy Sanches, Petra Verkaik, Patricia Ford, Anna-Marie Goddard, Crhisty Carrera, Shae Marks, Alley Baggett, Carrie Westcott, Pamela Anderson, Neriah Davis, Alesha Oreskovitch and many more! I've also modified the items, not the weapons and their powerups, but the others. So, some girls will have an item or do something wich gives a clue about wich item they are. For example, the one wich is a negative image gives you invulnerability.

For its best effect, this PWAD should be played with WOW!.WAD and the you will have ALL full of girls. In README.TXT I give the instructions about how to install this PWAD and how to join it with its complementary one.

After the proper and easy installation, WOW2 works with doom and doom2 with no known bugs, and can be combined with any other PWAD wich doesn't modify the sprites or flats. For example, if you play it with a PWAD with a different map, then our babes will appear in the same map.
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None, actually. Well, I don't know
Rating: (2 votes)
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"As a nostalgic snapshot of a typical teenage internet user's masturbation session circa 1997 it's interesting" Thumbs up ;-)x
As with WOW, this is basically a set of small, pixellated, oddly-coloured wall textures of naked women. As a nostalgic snapshot of a typical teenage internet user's masturbation session circa 1997 it's interesting, but there's no attempt to tile the textures so it looks awful. The object replacements are surprisingly decent, however, but too large.x

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