Title: Xdoom an Erotic Conversion (wow2pic1)
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/wow2pic1.zip
Size: 2 MB
Date: 06/30/95
Author: Thomas Spaulding
Description: To learn how to Doom with one hand :). Just don't take a rocket in the back while watching walls.
Credits: Internet for the pix. Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) for WinTex 3.41 and DeuTex/DeuSF 3.5, Stefan Eckart (tefan@lis.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de) for DMPEG V1.1.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: Lots of it..(on and off for 2 weeks)..actually the level was easy compared to the pictures, but these things take time.
Editor(s) used: Deu2c.zip by ADMiRAL & SONiC for the level
Bugs: None...Only complaint came from someone who had hacked the .exe file.
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is dated June 1995. In my quest to review all of the naughty wads I decided to give this one a go; it's called XDoom (years before ZDoom) and you get the pictures and the level separately, so you can play it non-rude. But you wouldn't want to because it's a terrible deathmatch level with no baddies. The pictures are mostly hardcore, but if you're reading this you're already on the internet, there is higher-res porn out there.x

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