Title: DMINFO: DooM INFO.c processors
Filename: utils/exe_edit/dminfo41b.zip
Size: 649.4 KB
Date: 07/04/17
Author: Frans P. de Vries
Description: DMINFO is a set of four command-line utilities on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate information about objects in the executables of DOOM/DOOM ][, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.

DMINFO, 64INFO, HTINFO, HXINFO and SFINFO are C programs built together with the respective games' INFO.c (and as many original .c/.h files as needed to make it compile) to directly extract information from the mobjinfo, state, sprite and sound tables for any thing and mobj. The info is ready to be used in thing Data tables on DoomWiki.org.

Additionally, they can generate weapon-specific information, the pain chance table, and a table of monsters with their pain chance and hit points.

Updated in v4.1b are more Heretic/Hexen/Strife thing names. Updated in v4.1 are some Heretic/Hexen thing names.

New in v4.0 is the doom64 directory and 64INFO executable, based on the DOOM64-RE source. v4.0b adds the missing Heretic volcano and fixes a run-time error.

New in v3.2 is the state table for players/monsters/ enemies.

New in v3.1 is the -z option to output state data.

New in v3.0 is the +x option to output thing data in wikified tables, and support for the Doom 64 IWAD.

New in v2.0 are the wikified tables of thing types (options +n & +c), a completely restructed codebase that centralizes common code, support for Strife: Veteran Edition, and many improvements and bug fixes. v2.1 ensures compilation under modern GCC and cleans up some code sections.

This is not a full-fledged package like my previous tools: there is no README or manual page, nor much in the way of comments in the utilities' source code (*info.c, print.[ch], maps.c, stub.c, common/*.c). Several other files (things.[ch], levels.[ch], wads.c, wstructs.h) are adapted from DMMPST. All other included source files are taken / adapted from the games' original code bases.
Credits: Derived from DMMPST. Stephen C. Losen for the C Template library, taken from: http://libctemplate.sourceforge.net/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/libctemplate/ Erick Vásquez García (Erick194) for DOOM64-RE https://github.com/Erick194/DOOM64-RE
Build time: -
Editor(s) used: vim
Bugs: -
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