Title: DOOM LoadeR 3.0
Filename: utils/frontends/dlr30.zip
Size: 22.87 KB
Date: 10/20/94
Description: This frontend program for DOOM 1.666 will replace SETUP.EXE with a more powerful, faster, smaller launcher for serial and solo games. DLR takes only 80 bytes away from your DOOM sessions and is completely 1.666 ready. DLR now uses response files so it is no longer compatible with DOOM v1.2, but v1.666 is out so who cares!
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"Not another 200k exe" Ahh... 200k used to be a download issue at one point in Doom history.. God we're spoiled.x
This is extremely good though it has some flaws. When you use a .LMP demo file, it will tell you that the version of DOOM you are using is modified and you must press enter to confirm. There's other flaws too but I recommend you use this for yourself.x

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